Pigments 3 by Arturia | 5 Incredible New Features
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Hey, what’s everybody, Joshua Casper here with Plugin Boutique here to let you know that are good friends over at Arturia have just dropped Pigments 3 and, boy, have they outdone themselves.
In this video, I’m going to be running through the highlights of the amazing new features and then, hopefully, do some in-depth tutorials a bit later on, so make sure to let me know in the comments what you would like to see in action!
But, first up, let’s get into what’s new and improved in this already high-class synth!
#1 – A brand-new Harmonic Engine
The last version of Pigments had Analog, Wavetable and Sample engines, but now has a fourth one.
The harmonic engine delivers detailed additive syntheses with up to 512 partials, dual formant filters that can be morphed from A to B, odd and even harmonic customization, and various colorful ways to modulate partials.
#2 – A 3rd Utility Engine
If you are looking for super textured patches, Pigments 3 has you covered.
There are now 3 utility engines on top of everything else. You can add a sub oscillator and up to 2 noise sample layers for depth and sonic color.
#3 – More Wavetables
Sure, you have the new harmonic engine, an extra utility engine, on top of that though, Arturia have added even more wavetables… can you ever really have enough wavetables?
There are 64 new wavetables to use, bring the total wavetable library to 164.
#4 – A New Filter and Filter Options
Filtering in Pigments just got better!
Not only is there the new jup-8 V4 Low-pass filter – which is the revered filter from Arturia’s meticulous emulation of the polysynth icon. There are new enhancements to filter routings as well. You can now route either filter to either FX bus for complete control over your final sound.
#5 – New Effects
There are also 4 brand-new – insane – effects in Pigments 3, bring the total to 18.
The Pitch Delay is a clean, modern algorithm for creating exciting pitch-shifting ambience.
The Multi-band compressor was a much-requested tool that is perfect for creating tight mix-ready sounds.
The BL-20 Flanger is a faithful reimagining of the elusive analog studio effect.
The Chorus Jun-6 is one-touch analog sparkle and fatness, take from Arturia’s faithful Juno-6 emulation.
Not to mention there are a boat-load of new presets that will blow your mind and even a new tutorial system built-in to help any new comers, and the new “ramp” shape in the Analog engine.. this synth is just WOW!
Now, remember, these are just the highlights, there is so much more that has been improved, updated and added to what was already a world-class synth!
Make sure to click the link in the video description for the full list and make sure to subscribe to catch any in-depth tutorials I make later on down the road.
And, as always, I’m Joshua Casper, here with Plugin Boutique, I hope you learned something and I’ll see you in the next video!
The Pigments 3 by Arturia | 5 Incredible New Features video was embedded from Youtube channel “”. Video source
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