FREE Reason Lite Rack | Tutorial 4 | Scales Chords Player
hey what’s up everybody Joshua Casper
are back at youth plugin boutique and
I’ve got another reason rack plugin
tutorial for you in this video I’m
really excited because I’m gonna be
sharing with you one of the players
it’s called scales and chords and it’s
absolutely phenomenal so right here
inside with a reason rap plug-in I’ve
got subtractor loaded up with a little
bit of reverb on it and I’m just
pressing some keys on my keyboard if I
press a chord I get my chord if I press
a single key I get my single key now if
I come into the browser and come into
the player section built-in devices
scales and chords I’m just gonna drag
and drop that right in here
now watch what happens if I press one
key on my keyboard
I’m actually getting a chord played I’m
actually getting the C major I’m
pressing this key and I’m getting this
chord is that not really cool that has
to do with the chords control that’s on
right now so if I go ahead and turn that
off and press I’m getting my keys again
but let’s change the scale let’s come
into F minor you can see here that the D
is unhighlight ‘add so right now if I
press C C’s a part of the F minor scale
so I’m getting that and if I press the D
I’m actually getting a C sharp so with
the filter notes turned off what it’s
going to do is you move any incorrect
notes to the notes inside of the scale
so if you’re playing on your keyboard no
matter what Keys you’re pressing you’re
always gonna be inside of the scale you
set out here which is really really cool
if I turn on filter notes and hit a
wrong key
nothing will come out so with a filter
notes off I’m getting moved
automatically into the scale with filter
notes on I’m just not gonna be allowed
to play bad keys this is actually really
helpful if you’re gonna be trying to
learn a scale with your keyboard
I suggest turning filter notes on and
like trying to run you know certain
melodies and keep inside of the scale
and if you hit a key and nothing comes
out it means you’re outside of the scale
very very helpful I’m gonna actually
turn that backdown and let’s turn on
chords with chords on it’s gonna work
the same way with the filter notes I’m
pressing the D here and I’m not getting
any output and with it all I’m gonna get
my chord that’s closest to that in
relation so we also have how many notes
are gonna be part of the scale and it’s
also helpfully showing me the name of
the chord itself as I add notes to it we
also have inversion control over here
we’ve got five different ones we’ve got
the normal one and then we’ve got
or other inversion options really
expands the possibilities I’m gonna go
ahead and turn that backdown and put it
on my triad, we also have open chords
again further expanding the
possibilities and then we have the
ability to add extra notes to any of the
current chords were playing so if I add
an octave up here is without it here is
with it I can do that with an octave
down as well and I can also add color
again it’s just gonna give me more
variations on what I can do and I can
have all of these on at the same time if
I wanted or any combination the alter is
gonna give me again more options and
variety on the output here and it only
happens when I hold this down so if I
repeatedly press the C getting a C minor
and watch what happens when I press and
hold alter
I’m going from the C minor to the C okay
so there you go
in a nutshell the scales and chords
player inside of the reason RAC plugin
it is absolutely phenomenal for people
who are struggling with music theory or
looking to expand on what they already
know very very cool and a very awesome
that it’s a part of this free giveaway
anyway I’m Joshua Kasper I hope you
learned something and I’ll see you in
the next video
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In this video tutorial, Joshua Casper gives you a general introduction to the Scales & Chords player in the brand-new Plugin Boutique Exclusive Reason Lite Rack VST Plugin from Reason Studios.
Scales & Chords is a music theory tool that can help keep you in a set music scale and/or help you play complex chords and chord progressions with single key pushes.
This is a truly powerful tool and it’s a part of the Reason Lite Rack Plugin which is exclusively free with any purchase at Plugin Boutique.
The FREE Reason Lite Rack | Tutorial 4 | Scales Chords Player video was embedded from Youtube channel “”. Video source
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