FREE Reason Lite Rack | Tutorial 2 | Matrix Sequencer – Control Internal External Instruments
hey what’s up everybody Joshua Caspter
back at you with Pluginboutique and I’ve
got another reason rack plug-in tutorial
this is video two in the series of at
least five and in this one I’m going to
show you about matrix I’m going to show
you how to route the matrix inside of
the reason rack plug-in itself and I’m
also going to show you how to use the
matrix to trigger the sequence in the
matrix on any other VSTi or virtual
synth inside of your da W I’m gonna be
using Ableton Live here but hopefully
the steps will be pretty much the same
for any other DAW you’re working in so as
I said in the last video reason does a
very good job of automatically routing
things for you for example if I come in
here and jump into effects and put the
reverb on here hit tab and come back
here you’ll see that my output from my
synth is going into that reverb and the
reverb is going right out to the output
to our hosts, if I delete that you can
see that that has jumped just to a
straight output but if I add a matrix
here it’s already loaded it doesn’t
automatically route for me and for most
of the modulation type of stuff, this is
the way it’s gonna be so it’s good to
get in here and really understand what’s
going on so all we need to do is kind of
look at the back panel here and see you
know if we can’t figure things out just
by using the titles and stuff and I can
see the first kind of column over here
I’m subtractor says sequence there
well the matric is an analog pattern
sequencer so right off the bat I’m kind
of thinking these need to go together so
I have gate cv here and then I have
something called gate right here so if I
click right there and drag and drop
maybe I’ll get something happening so
let’s come back over here and just hit
play on our D aw
and in fact let me go ahead and just
solo this channel okay great so it’s
working so what if I come over here and
make some tweaks to the actual note
values of the sequencer
okay so nothing’s happening so let’s
jump back into the back and see if we
can assign this note CV to this other CV
input on the sequencer control same
process click drag and drop flip back
and we’re good to go so it’s that simple
when you add in the matrix to subtractor you
want to do it to the gate into the CV
for the note in the CV, there is a curve
don’t worry about that if you’re just
trying to get started right now
perhaps we’ll cover that in the future
video tutorial it’s going to work the
same way with your other instruments let
me just drop monotone on here and you’ll
see that I have a sequence or control gate
and CV here as well so if I want this
matrix to route to those instead I’m
going to go gate and note to CV
you’ll see that it’s working the same
way so that’s how to route the matrix
inside of the reason rack but what if I
want the matrix to control a VSTi
outside of the reason track, it can be
done so first thing I do is just delete
these so we can stay organized and I’m
going to come into it’s inside of
instruments and I want to go into MIDI
out device if I flip back around here so
now I want the MIDI to go out so what I
want to do here secrets are controlled once
so again gate to gate note CV to CV flip
back around and let’s drag say, operator
on to its own MIDI channel inside of
Ableton Live
I want MIDI from the reason Rack plug-in
in this first drop-down menu and then I
want to choose resume rack plug-in right
here and what happens if I press play
now look at that if I solo it this
instrument is now following the pattern
inside of the matrix sequencer inside of
the reason rack plug-in and any changes
I make here are reflected in the pattern
output from the operator and it’s that
simple so hopefully that gives you a
good idea of how to get started getting
your MIDI output from the reason rec
plug-in into your other instruments and
also how to use the matrix inside of the
reason rep plug-in itself if you’re
looking to use this really great classic
analog pattern sequencer anyway that’s
enough for this video about the matrix
inside of the reason, rep plugin make
sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel
hit that Bella notification so you’ll
see the tutorials come up when they come
out anyway
I’m Joshua Casper here for PluginBoutique
I hope you learned something
and I’ll see you in the next video
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In this video tutorial, Joshua Casper shows you how to get the Matrix Analog Pattern Sequencer working in the brand-new Plugin Boutique Exclusive Reason Lite Rack VST Plugin from Reason Studios.
You will learn how to use the sequencer with the instruments in the Reason Lite Rack Plugin. You will also learn how to control third-party VSTi virtual synths in your DAW by way of using the MIDI Out Device.
Basic routing for both of these methods are explored and explained in the video.
The FREE Reason Lite Rack | Tutorial 2 | Matrix Sequencer – Control Internal External Instruments video was embedded from Youtube channel “”. Video source
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