Sufi Vocals – Mystic Qawwali Collection (http://www.bitly.com/sufivocals) is a rare collection of authentic vocals recorded with a diverse cross section of musicians, featuring Pakistani Sufi maestros Rizwan and Muazzam (nephews of the legendary Qawwali singer Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan) and Sufi singers Abdul Ghani, Ajah Maideen and Saburmaideen Babha Sabee (The Nagore Brothers / South India). This bundle of high quality audio samples captures the exotic and powerful vocals of these transcendental performers, and the ethereal spirit of Sufi devotional music. About the Vocalists Critically acclaimed Pakistan Sufi singers Rizwan and Muazzam hail from a renowned lineage of Qawwali music – mystical devotional music based on Classical Islamic and Sufi poetry, intended to lead listeners to reach states of religious ecstasy and union with God. The artists have recorded their imaginative reinterpretations of spiritual love songs along with a full live band, and the spirit and raw dynamism of these evocative performances have been captured in the samples. The Nagore Brothers are compelling performers who use music as a mystical medium to reach states of spiritual awakening, performing at various social and religious ceremonies in the dargah of their hometown Nagore in South India.   The rare sounds and loops in this collection convey the rich vocal tones and diverse timbres of this esoteric Sufi tradition, and provide an apt starting point of inspiration for any producer looking for fresh ideas. They have been tailor made to fit a wide variety of production styles and genres, and will add an unconventional touch to any production.Check out the full demo and free taster samples here: http://www.bitly.com/sufivocals Enjoy!

The Sufi Vocals – Mystic Qawwali Collection – Earth Moments World Vocal Samples video was embedded from Youtube channel “Loopmasters”. Video source

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In your Library, open the first folder, New Inspiration From Loopmasters, to discover a selection of 300 free samples added both this week and last week. To claim these samples, simply right-click and Claim Free Content, and they will be added to your Library for use any time, completely free.

Take your first steps with Loopcloud 5, and with these simple tips, learn how to create music faster than ever.


Loopcloud, the cloud-based sample management software from Loopmasters that enables you to work with both samples that you buy and those that you upload, has been updated to version 4.0. … While new keyboard shortcuts have been implemented and the plugin can now accept MIDI input to play your samples chromatically.

Loopmasters SamplesAll the samples we distribute are sold under the same agreement – that their use in your own music is royaltyfree. Once you’ve paid for the sample collection itself, you can use it as part of a project in your DAW and as part of any commercial release with no conditions.

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About Loopmasters

Loopmasters officially launched early in 2003 with the aim of producing flexible sample libraries for producers and musicians who required top quality playing from seasoned professionals to integrate into and inspire their music. Our challenge is to provide you with the best samples and music software that money can buy, so far so good! Loopmasters Studio HQ is based in the South East with a healthy music scene, and the producers that work on our material are of the highest quality, and come from all over the world – if you feel you are a top flight sampling pioneer we would love to hear from you! – enjoy your music… Loopmasters is the no.1 website dedicated to providing 100% royalty free sample libraries from the best producers & sample labels on the planet. They officially launched begin 2003 with the aim of producing flexible sample libraries for producers and musicians who required top quality playing from seasoned professionals to integrate into and inspire their music.op+ is their media & video platform dedicated to sample news, tech tutorials & artist interviews. Our game is to provide you with the best samples(packs) and music software that money can buy, so far so good! The Loopmasters Studio Headquarters is based in the South East with a healthy music scene, and the producers that work on our material are of the highest quality, and come from all over the world – if you feel you are a top flight sampling pioneer we would love to hear from you! – enjoy your music…