Deep House Samples Loops – Lucio Aquilina Deep House Sounds
Deep House Samples & Loops – Lucio Aquilina Deep House Sounds.
Loopmasters present this selection of royalty free Deep House sounds from Lucio Aquilina.
Featured in this Deep House sample collection you can expect to find over 430Mb of royalty free Deep House samples, with more than 345 samples, 240 Loops and 105 Single Hits all produced exclusively by Lucio for this brand new library.
In detail you get 37 Deep and Subliminal Bass Loops, 114 Chunky and Shuffled Drum Loops including Hi Hat, Kick and Percussion only loops, 10 SFX Loops, 41 Super inspired Lucio Musical Loops, 13 Deep Pad Loops, 8 Rhodes Keyboard Patterns, 13 Assorted Synth Loops, and 6 Vocal Loops. The single hits section includes 11 Deep House Bass Samples, 35 Single Drum Samples, 45 Single Stabs, 3 Pads, Rhodes and 12 Ready to play patches compatible with Reason NNXT, Halion, Kontakt, EXS, and SFZ Samplers.
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The Deep House Samples Loops – Lucio Aquilina Deep House Sounds video was embedded from Youtube channel “Loopmasters”. Video source
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In your Library, open the first folder, New Inspiration From Loopmasters, to discover a selection of 300 free samples added both this week and last week. To claim these samples, simply right-click and Claim Free Content, and they will be added to your Library for use any time, completely free.
Take your first steps with Loopcloud 5, and with these simple tips, learn how to create music faster than ever.
Loopcloud, the cloud-based sample management software from Loopmasters that enables you to work with both samples that you buy and those that you upload, has been updated to version 4.0. … While new keyboard shortcuts have been implemented and the plugin can now accept MIDI input to play your samples chromatically.
Loopmasters SamplesAll the samples we distribute are sold under the same agreement – that their use in your own music is royalty–free. Once you’ve paid for the sample collection itself, you can use it as part of a project in your DAW and as part of any commercial release with no conditions.