How to Make Cheap Acoustic Treatment (26 per panel)
All Information and all steps are listed below :)
This video shows you how to make Cheap, Effective acoustic panels for as cheap as $26 per panel.
These acoustic panels are designed as broadband absorbers to help minimise echoes, reverberations and unwanted frequency buildups in the room.
When combined with Bass trapping and diffusion, they form a strong pillar of a room’s acoustic characteristic.
Everything You Need for 1 Panel
1) 2 x 2400mmx69mmx18mm Timber = $7.00
2) 2x 2400mmx 94mm x 18mm Timber = $10.00
3) Rockwoll insulation slab = $10 per panel
4) Fabric (excess 10 cm on each side) = $6 per panel
(you can get super cheap sheets if you prefer but we really liked the blue textured fabric we found)
5) 8 screws + 16 nails + 4 corner brackets = $3
Total cost = $36 approx per panel
Other things you will need that you might already have :
Sand paper =$0.50
Staple Gun = $5
Saw =$6
Hammer =$5
Screwdriver = $30
Sense of Humour = Priceless
Determination = Can be developed over time
A 90’s dance anthem mega mix to listen to while assembling the panel = Youtube
Obviously you can get cheaper or more luxury materials if you like, this is only a guide.
Dimensions we used 1.8m x 0.6m external frame
1)Plan! Decide what shape and size will fit YOUR room :) and whether you are going to build the panels with the extra timber frame or without. This is purely aesthetic and serves no other purpose.
2)Measure and cut your timber, remember that if you are going to use the external frame, you must make the internal frame SMALLER than the external frame. Draw a diagram and get a friend (or two friends) to check your measurements. (I can’t stress this point enough :)
3) Assemble the inner frame with the help of a friend, use the corner brackets or similar to help keep it nice a square. Screw these in and then hammer a few nails in from the outside taking care not to whack a finger or thumb (I didn’t take care….don’t be like me)
4)Sand the edges to make sure you won’t rip or damage your fabric
5)Pull the fabric over the frame and staple at the back or the sides. If you are not using an external frame you MUST staple at the back so that the staples will be out of sight when finished (think ahead as much as possible)
6)Then attach the outer frame with some more nails, try to be as neat as possible here and use headless nails if possible because the look awesome.
7)Fill the frame with the best acoustic absorber you can get. I used rockwoll because it was available but other countries have different brands. A quick google search should help you out :)
8)Seal the back with the cheapest material possible, look around charity shops for sheets,duvet covers, pillow cases etc. There is no need to spend much money back there. Help a local charity out and feel amazing :)
9)Make some wall brackets, you can buy mounting strips but where I live they are very expensive so brad and I used an extra off cut of timber to create all the mounts we needed.
Make sure you don’t screw into any electrical cables. Seriously take care.
10) Enjoy an awesome sounding room and feel great that you made something yourself.
11) Follow on Instagram to keep up to date with our upload schedule and what we are up to :) @mike.miavono
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